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Leaving a Lasting Legacy: The Buffalo Soldiers' Story

 Founded in 1995

We are a patriotic military service organization, which exists for the purpose of carrying out the non-profit, educational objectives of the national association. Our mission is to honor the legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers, who were the first peacetime all-black regiments in the US Army, by  educating the public about their contributions to American history and promoting their legacy through community service.

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Evolution of the Ninth and Tenth (Horse) Cavalry Association

The Ninth & Tenth (Horse) Cavalry Association traces its beginning to 1966 in Kansas City, Missouri.  At that time, a group of former cavalrymen got together to talk about their military heritage and unique military experience.  One hundred years had passed since, by an Act of Congress, two regiments of cavalry were created for colored men.  Designated the 9th and 10th Cavalry, these regiments were part of a bold experiment to accept Black men into the regular army. At the Kansas City meeting were veterans of the 9th and 10th Calvary regiments.  Many were assigned to the regiments when they were inactivated in March 1944. With their ranks growing thin, they looked for ways to ensure that information about the exploits and accomplishments of the original Black cavalrymen and their own experiences would not die with them. It was decided that this could be accomplished by forming a 9th and 10th Cavalry association. It was also decided to hold annual reunions at different locations in the nation. It was assumed that annual reunions would attract the men who had served in the regiments and shared the common unique experience, would perpetuate the memory of comrades who have passed on, and would provide community awareness of their rich military heritage. Initially chartered as The Ninth & Tenth Cavalry Association in Missouri, the name was later changed to The Ninth & Tenth (Horse) Cavalry Association to distinguish it from modern cavalry units.  In 1985, the charter of The Ninth & Tenth (Horse) Cavalry Association was transferred from Missouri to Kansas. At the outset, regular membership in the association was limited to persons who had served in the 9th and 10th Cavalry regiments. In 1977, allied membership was extended to United States through service either in the Armed Forces or their community. An active effort of the Association is to stimulate public awareness and interest in the history and achievements of the Buffalo Soldiers.  Most historians have overlooked or suppressed the role played by Buffalo Soldiers in the settlement and economic development of the western half of the United States after the Civil War.  Moreover, their year for service to this nation, both at home and abroad, is just gradually becoming known.  To increase public knowledge of their unique record of service, the Association uses its resources to engage in community activities that feature the contributions of Black men and women in American military history.

Cavalry Equipment

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Spencer Carbine

The Spencer Carbine was issued to Union troops in the Civil War in 1863. The Spencer Rifle was a repeating rifle capable of firing seven rounds with each lowering of the trigger guard. Although outnumbered by the Plains Indians, the Spencer provided the Cavalrymen with accurate and withering firepower. It had a slower rate of fire than the Henry repeating rifle but was very accurate and easy to clean.

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